Rattle and Roll Baby Boutique

Thank you for visiting Rattle and Roll Baby Boutique! We're committed to offering high quality, environmentally conscious products for pregnancy through toddlerhood! We want to make the job of parenting just a bit easier with some of the latest gadgets in the industry while also keeping your little ones safe with natural, chemical free items. 

The story of our store....

I opened the store in Dickinson, ND in the summer of 2016 out of a desire to spend more time with my daughter and also to share my love of cloth diapers & babywearing with our community. A friend introduced me into the world of cloth diapers & I immediately fell in love them! We started cloth the day we came home from the hospital using mostly NB AIOs and a variety of hand me downs - I quickly built up a large stash & have tried what feels like dozens of brands to find what works best for us! I also started our babywearing journey with a wrap that was gifted to us by a family member. Soft structured carriers have always been the favorite in our house & I routinely still carry my daughter as a toddler. When the opportunity presented itself for me to leave my full time job & open a store to bring these types of products back into a retail setting in our town, I jumped at chance & Rattle & Roll was born!

The store truly is a family affair with our young daughter coming to the store with me everyday & my husband helping on the weekends & evenings. I'm so excited to now be expanding online & offering some of my favorite products for shipping anywhere in the country. 

-- Sonya

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