Rattle and Roll Baby Boutique
The story of our store....
I opened the store in Dickinson, ND in the summer of 2016 out of a desire to spend more time with my daughter and also to share my love of cloth diapers & babywearing with our community. A friend introduced me into the world of cloth diapers & I immediately fell in love them! We started cloth the day we came home from the hospital using mostly NB AIOs and a variety of hand me downs - I quickly built up a large stash & have tried what feels like dozens of brands to find what works best for us! I also started our babywearing journey with a wrap that was gifted to us by a family member. Soft structured carriers have always been the favorite in our house & I routinely still carry my daughter as a toddler. When the opportunity presented itself for me to leave my full time job & open a store to bring these types of products back into a retail setting in our town, I jumped at chance & Rattle & Roll was born!
The store truly is a family affair with our young daughter coming to the store with me everyday & my husband helping on the weekends & evenings. I'm so excited to now be expanding online & offering some of my favorite products for shipping anywhere in the country.
-- Sonya